German News
Spektakulärer Crash – Hot Schrott!
Spektakulärer Unfall bei einem „Funny Car“-Rennen: Der Motor von Champion John Force explodierte, das Auto crashte in einen Konkurrenten.Foto: Action Press Via: Spektakulärer Crash – Hot Schrott!
Spektakulärer Unfall bei einem „Funny Car“-Rennen: Der Motor von Champion John Force explodierte, das Auto crashte in einen Konkurrenten.Foto: Action Press Via: Spektakulärer Crash – Hot Schrott!
Scotland Yard receives allegation that producer sexually assaulted woman in Westminster in mid-90sBritish police investigating Harvey Weinstein have received a further allegation of sexual assault. Scotland Yard received an allegation that Weinstein sexually assaulted a woman in Westminster in the mid-1990s, bringing the total number of women who have reported Read more…
La matriculación en España en FP Dual en el curso 2016-2017 alcanzó los 24.000 alumnos, lo que supone 5 veces más de lo que se registró en el curso 2012-2013. Además, se impartió en casi 650 centros educativos y participaron 10.000 empresas, lo que supone un avance significativo de esta Read more…
Die EU drückt bei den Austrittsverhandlungen mit Großbritannien aufs Tempo. Zudem will sie eine “harte Grenze” in Nordirland verhindern. Via: EU will Nordirland notfalls in Zollunion behalten
Black morning for UK retail as two chains employing 5,500 people call in the administratorsBREAKING: Maplin calls in administratorsWeak sterling and low consumer confidence blamed2,500 jobs at riskEarlier:Toys R Us has fallen into administrationAttempts to find a buyer seem to have failedStores will keep trading ‘until further notice’3,000 staff face Read more…
Der dramatische Streifen “Watu Wote” der Regisseurin Katja Benrath basiert auf einer wahren Geschichte. Er konkurriert in Los Angeles um einen Kurzfilm-Oscar. Via: Deutscher Kurzfilm von Katja Benrath für den Oscar nominiert
Via: Ford en Gironde : «Le gouvernement a intérêt à ne pas voir cette usine disparaître»
Rolling coverage of the day’s political developments as they happen, including Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn at PMQs and reaction as the EU publishes its draft text of the Brexit withdrawal treaty 1.46pm GMT According to the BBC’s Philip Sim, Michael Russell, the Scottish government’s Brexit minister, has called for Read more…
Mourners line streets of Mumbai for funeral of Indian film star who drowned in a bath in DubaiThousands of mourning fans have lined the streets of Mumbai to pay their respects to Sridevi Kapoor, the celebrated Bollywood actor who drowned in a hotel bathtub in Dubai over the weekend.Her body Read more…
Hundreds of schools are still closed as Met Office issues red warning for central of Scotland Share your photos and storiesEmergency shelters opened for homeless people in cold snap 1.46pm GMT The World Health Organisation has warned that the cold weather sweeping much of Europe poses a heath risk particularly Read more…