Spanish News
La polarización dispara a Vox y Unidas Podemos a costa de PP y PSOE
Ciudadanos, tras los comicios del 10-N y la dimisión de Rivera, se desploma y va camino de ser una fuerza residual. Leer Via: La polarización dispara a Vox y Unidas Podemos a costa de PP y PSOE
Spanish News
2020, una ¿tregua? para Susana Díaz y el PSOE andaluz
En el PSOE-A no ven inmediata la batalla por el control del partido en Andalucía. Leer Via: 2020, una ¿tregua? para Susana Díaz y el PSOE andaluz
Spanish News
El errejonismo se diluye y afronta un futuro incierto
Los fiascos electorales y las salidas del partido dejan al político en su peor momento Leer Via: El errejonismo se diluye y afronta un futuro incierto
Spanish News
Los votantes del PSOE preferían pactar con el PP que con ERC
Sólo el 27% de los electores de Pedro Sánchez el 10-N se inclina por el acuerdo con los independentistas Leer Via: Los votantes del PSOE preferían pactar con el PP que con ERC
English News
New Zealand rodeo season opens amid fresh animal rights protests
Activists claim the cowboy events are cruel to bulls and horses, but organisers say they are a lifeline for isolated rural communitiesRodeo season has got off to a rocky start in New Zealand, with protest numbers swelling outside events around the country.Around three dozen protesters chanted outside the Wanaka rodeo Read more…
English News
Intermittent fasting is incredibly popular. But is it any better than other diets? | Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz
It’s possible we’ve simply yet to discover the best way to fast, especially considering that these diets are rarely tested against one anotherDiets are funny things. They aren’t just a way to lose or gain weight – a diet is part of your life.Eating is one of the fundamental human Read more…
English News
Civil service told it is 'woefully unprepared' for Cummings' reforms
Staff could face regular exams under ‘seismic’ changes planned by PM and adviser, says manifesto authorCivil servants have been warned that they are “woefully unprepared” for the sweeping reforms of Whitehall being prepared by the prime minister and his special adviser, Dominic Cummings.Officials could be made to take regular exams Read more…
English News
Surge in suspected modern slavery victims waiting years for Home Office decisions, figures show
Exclusive: Number of potential victims left in limbo rises 52 per cent in three months Via: Surge in suspected modern slavery victims waiting years for Home Office decisions, figures show
German News
Friederike Kempter verlässt Münster-„Tatort“
Friederike Kempter beendet nach 17 Jahren ihre Zeit beim Münsteraner „Tatort“. Damit verliert das Ermittlerduo Thiel und Boerne seine langjährige Kollegin. Im Frühjahr wird sie das letzte Mal als Ermittlerin zu sehen sein. Via: Friederike Kempter verlässt Münster-„Tatort“