Now all charges have been dropped against the actor Jussie Smollett, who was accused of staging a racist and homophobic attack, we examine the issues surrounding the case. Plus: Lucy Knight on being gay and a ChristianOn 29 January, Chicago police announced they were investigating a suspected racist and homophobic attack on the TV star Jussie Smollett by two masked men who shouted pro-Trump slogans. There was an outpouring of anger and support for Smollett, with even the US president offering sympathy. But on 17 February the police inquiry changed. Rather than being treated as a victim, Smollett found himself under investigation and was accused of staging the attack. Continue reading…
Via: Faking your own hate crime? The strange case of Jussie Smollett – podcast
English News
PIERS MORGAN: A phone call I received from a fired-up Trump should be a warning to Democrats
President Trump called me for a chat on Saturday. It was our first conversation since he unfollowed me on Twitter in April after I wrote a Mail column telling him to ‘Shut the f*ck up Read more…